Monday, December 9, 2013



I'm Madison, and this is a blog devoted entirely to the utterly unfortunate and oftentimes comical occurrences that my life is comprised of. This may or may not be the worst blog you've ever read. I'm not making any promises.

Things you should probably know about me:

1. If you haven't already guessed, (hence the title of this blog…) I'm awkward. Like really, miserably awkward. Most people experience a brief "awkward stage" during their adolescence, but I've been waiting on my awkward stage to end for over 17 years now. I expect the people in charge of the Guinness World Record Book to show up on my front porch any day now and crown me as Queen of the Awkward.
2. I'm probably considered by most to be weird... My hobbies include singing karaoke via SnapChat and pretending I am Beyonce, stalking people on social media, telling weird stories that people probably don't want to hear, etc. I'm completely normal, I promise.
3. I am deathly afraid of talking on the phone. And feet. My other phobias include, but are not limited to, the words "panties," "patty," and "crusty." If you're searching for an easy way to irritate me,  create a sentence involving all of those words. I will end you.
4. I. Can't. Stop. Laughing. It's true. It's a medical condition. Actually it's not. I just laugh a lot (and it's often at very inappropriate times). I'm the kind of person who will accidentally start snickering if you tell me your cat was just run over by a car. I'm really sorry. 

So there you have it. It's probably best if you run far away from this blog without ever looking back. (Actually plz don't, I have funny stories I want to share.) Deuces. 

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